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79115 Freiburg i. Br.
Tel: +49 151 58 72 55 77
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HRB 728036
Geschäftsführer: :
Joachim Tibi, Emmanuel CAZENEUVE
Terms & Conditions
Legal notice and conditions of use of the website
In force on 19/01/2022
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, known as the L.C.E.N., users of the site (hereinafter the “Users”) are informed of the present legal notice.
Connection to and browsing of the website (hereinafter the “Website”) by the User implies full and unreserved acceptance of the present legal notice.
The latter are accessible on the Website under the heading « Legal information ».
The present legal notice may be modified at any time and without prior notice, as well as any information appearing on the Website, notably the description of the products and/or services as set out in the Website. These modifications come into force as soon as they are put online. We advise you to examine the applicable conditions periodically.
ARTICLE 1 : The editor and Director of the publication
The Website is edited by SAS HESUS with a capital of €345 460,28, registered in the Creteil Trade and Companies Register under number 509 101 929, which registered office is located at 33 boulevard de Brandebourg, 94200 Ivry Sur Seine, e-mail address:
The Director of the publication is M Vincent BIGNALET
ARTICLE 2: The host
The host of the Website is IONOS Company, which head office is located at 7 PLACE DE LA GARE – 57200 SARREGUEMINES, with the telephone number: 0970 808 911.
ARTICLE 3: Access to the Website
The Website is accessible at the above-mentioned address and from any location, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, except in cases of force majeure, scheduled or unscheduled interruption and which may arise from a need for maintenance.
In case of modification, interruption or suspension of services, the editor cannot be held responsible.
ARTICLE 4: Data collection
When the User is navigating on the Website, personal information may be collected and processed in accordance with the conditions set forth at our privacy policy
ARTICLE 5: Intellectual property
The brands, logos, signs and all the contents of the Website (computer programs and applications, texts, graphical elements, images, sound, etc.) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright.
The Website is exclusively owned by HESUS company. Any rights of reproduction, representation attached to the Website are strictly reserved.
The « HESUS » brand is a registered trademark of HESUS company. Any use and/ or modification and/ or adaptation and/or representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total exploitation of this brand, of any nature whatsoever, without the prior express written consent of HESUS company is totally prohibited.
The User must request prior authorisation from HESUS company for any reproduction, publication, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, commercial exploitation, or copy partial or total, of the Website and/or of its various contents, by any means and on any medium whatsoever (paper, digital,…), under penalty of constituting an infringement of copyright and/or designs and/or trademarks and databases. The User undertakes to use the contents of the site in a strictly private context; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is strictly prohibited.
Any total or partial representation of this site by any means whatsoever without the express authorisation of the website operator would constitute an infringement punishable by Article L 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
In accordance with article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, it is reminded that the User who reproduces, copies or publishes protected content must cite the author and his source.
Any person who is willing to bring to our attention the presence of information or content that is illicit, infringing in particular the intellectual property rights of a third party or contrary to a legislative or regulatory provision, may do so by sending a detailed e-mail to the following address
ARTICLE 6: Hypertext links
Hypertext links and other promotional format (banners, videos,..) redirecting towards third parties resources or websites, that are not owned by or controlled by the editor, may be present on the Website. The User is informed that by clicking on these links, he/she will leave the Website. The latter has no control over the content or on those web pages to which these links lead and cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for their content.
Users are solely responsible for all risks resulting from the consultation and use of these websites managed by third parties.
ARTICLE 7: Cookies policy
The User is informed that during his visits to the site, a cookie may be automatically installed on his browser.
What’s a cookie?
Cookies are small files temporarily stored on the hard disk of the User’s computer by your browser and which are necessary for the use of the Website. Cookies do not contain any personal information and cannot be used to identify anyone. A cookie contains a unique, randomly generated and therefore anonymous identifier. Some cookies expire at the end of the User’s visit, others remain.
The information contained in the cookies is used notably to improve the Website.
Consent – Methods of managing cookies
The deposit of cookies is subject to consent, when you first connect to the Website via the cookie information banner, by clicking on the « Accept » button opposite each cookie appearing on the banner.
The consent thus given is valid for a maximum period of six (6) months from the first deposit in the terminal equipment.
You can refuse cookies by :
– clicking on the « continue without accepting » button in the banner
– by setting your choices in the cookie manager accessible from the « set » button
If the User does not accept them, he/she is informed that certain functions or pages may be refused.
The cookies deposited by the editor are stored for a maximum period of thirteen (13) months.
The editor of the Website informs the User that it has no control over the process used by third parties to collect personal information during the navigation on the Website. The editor invites the User to consult the privacy protection policies of the third parties designated below in order to become aware of the purposes of use, in particular advertising, of the browsing information that they may collect through these application buttons.
The User may notably deactivate these cookies by using the settings in his/her browser software.
ARTICLE 8: Responsibility
No warranty of any kind as to the accuracy, completeness and/or absence of error of the information on the Website is given in any respect. The information provided on the Website is presented for information purposes only and has no contractual value.
The User shall ensure that his/her identifier and password are kept secret. Any disclosure of the password, in whatever form, is prohibited. The User assumes all risks associated with the use of his/her login and password. The editor of the Website declines all responsibility.
The User is the sole responsible for his/her use of the Website.
The editor cannot be held responsible for any viruses that may infect the computer or any computer equipment of the User, following use, access or downloading from this Website.
ARTICLE 9: Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
French law applies to this Website and to these conditions of use. c Any dispute as regards notably the use of the Website, the validity, interpretation of these conditions of use shall be exclusively submitted to French courts, including for interim procedures, call in guarantee and plurality of defenders.
For any question relating to the application of the present Legal Notice, you can contact the publisher using the contact details given in ARTICLE 1.